Colour Analysis in Canberra
Frequently asked questions about colour analysis
Do I need a colour analysis?
It’s good to know which colours enhance your complexion but you will notice this when you try something on. I don’t think you need a specific colour analysis consultation. A colour that suits you will make you look a little fresher in the face, adding a little colour to the cheeks. A colour that’s not right for you will have the opposite effect.
I got my colours done and everything in my wardrobe is suddenly in the wrong colours. What do I do?
If you still love what you see in your wardrobe, regardless of the colours, then wear it. Clothes that make you feel good are what you should wear. Don’t get rid of everything you own. Use what you were told during the colour analysis and when you go shopping, seek out those colours to add to your wardrobe. But, if you find something you like that’s not in a colour you were told to wear, still get it, if it makes you feel confident.
I don’t like the colours suggested during a colour consultation and now I don’t know what to wear.
If you don’t like the colours, then don’t wear them. They might be right for you based on ‘science’ but colour analysis doesn’t take into account emotions and feelings and that is more important in my opinion. Wear what makes you feel good. Wear what you feel comfortable in. There will be plenty of other colours out there that look just as great on you, that you actually like, than just the ones suggested during your colour consultation.
Do I have to just wear the colours I’m supposed to based on my skin tone and hair colour?
No. Colour analysis is not a rule. It’s a guide that’s meant to steer you to pick colours that add a bit of life and colour to your complexion. That doesn’t mean colours outside your palette won’t suit you. Bank the information about your colours but if you see something you like or are drawn to a colour that’s not on your list, give it a go. If you feel fabulous in it, then you need to have it.
Can I just do a colour analysis online?
You might not get the most accurate result online. You’ll have to upload a photo and that is analysed to come up with your colours. If you took a photo in certain lighting that gives your skin a golden glow or makes it look lighter for example, it will probably distort the results and be a waste of money.